Live A More Authentic Life

Now offering interactive online workshops. See the newest course offerings below and reserve your spot. Space is limited.   


Awakening to Self and Life

NEW Interactive Course: Begins October 6th, 2020

How does one stay grounded and live with more ease, joy and aliveness during these uncertain and unsettling times?

This 6-week course will allow you to explore themes and experiential practices which help you connect to a deeper sense of Self and life. Throughout this exploration we will draw upon a variety of modalities and practices, such as mindfulness/meditation, journaling and small/ large group processing.

This interactive course will meet for 1.5 hours for 6 weeks via Zoom.

Workshop Details:

Dates: 10/6, 10/13, 10/20,10/27, 11/10, 11/17

Time: Tuesdays: 6:00-7:30pm

Cost: $300 for the 6 sessions

Location: Zoom

** Space is limited to 12 participants **

Workshop outline:

WEEK 1: Invitation to presence:
- Introduce mindfulness and meditation practices
- Explore grounding and anchoring exercise
- Establish stillness and slowing down
Practice coming home to ourselves

WEEK 2: Developing embodied awareness:
Explore our relationship to the physical body 
- Open to our senses
- Attune to the physical, emotional and energetic body

WEEK 3: Re-discovering our authentic selves:
- Identify our storylines and habit patterns that create a false sense of self
- Cultivate a practice of deep listening
- Begin to re-claim and name the essence of who we are

WEEK 4: Creating meaning: What matters the most?:
- Connect to what brings meaning and aliveness to our lives
- Explore various gateways of "knowing" that invite a sense of belonging and connection 
- Establish practical/daily practice of re-connecting to deep intention

WEEK 5: Opening to joy and aliveness:
- Identify what brings a sense of joy and aliveness to your life
- Explore barriers to these states of being 
- Cultivate practices to connect to joy and aliveness

WEEK 6: Bringing our offerings into the world:
- Explore loving-kindness and compassion practices 
- Reflect on the question: How do I want to show up? 
- Explore gateways to hold the mystery and "unknown" of life

Foundations of Mindfulness Practice

A 6 week course meeting for 2 hours weekly 

In this six week Introductory Training (SIT) in Mindfulness, Michelle will teach you to develop focused and embodied attention, self-awareness, emotional intelligence, and a greater sense of ease and well-being. You will learn a variety of mindfulness and meditation practices and practical ways to integrate mindfulness into daily activities at work, home and in relationships.

The workshop will cover 5 areas of mindfulness practice:






Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Practice mindful meditation by developing awareness of breath, body, feelings and thoughts
  • Apply daily application of Mindfulness skills to cultivate mental and physical resilience 
  • Cultivate a quality of embodied awareness
  • Recognize unproductive patterns, both within themselves and in workplace interactions, and learn how to respond more effectively 
  • Explore your own emotions and further develop your emotional intelligence 

Workshop Details: 

Duration: 2 Hour Classes Meeting for 6 Consecutive Weeks

Cost: $360

Class Schedule: Enrollment CLOSED

Location: Gilda's Club Twin Cities

Address: 10560 Wayzata Blvd Minnetonka, MN 55305

"This class was amazing. The benefits include better attunement to myself and my self care, more self compassion, relationship improvements and a wider sense of experiencing. Extremely grateful for Michelle's grounded, competent, unassuming and gentle guidance. "

"Wonderful Class!  Perfect combination of learning and experience.  I now have concrete practices to apply to my daily life. Thank you Michelle!

Introduction to Mindfulness

A 3 Hour Workshop

In this three hour workshop, Michelle provides a basic introduction to Mindfulness and Meditation Practices that you can apply to your life right away.

The workshop will cover:




Upon completion, participants will be able to:

  • Understand what Mindfulness is and how it applies to a better quality of life
  • Apply experiential practices with sitting, walking and eating meditations
  • Integrate practical exercises into daily life

Workshop Details:

Date: To be announced

Time: 9:00am-noon

Cost: $60.00

Location: Gilda's Club Twin Cities

Address: 10560 Wayzata Blvd Minnetonka, MN 55305

"This class exceeded my expectations! I already feel like I know myself a lot better.  Michelle is a gifted, wise teacher."

"Life Changing!  Through this class I learned and experienced what it means to be truly present and awake in my life!"

Individual Coaching

1:1 Guidance:

Michelle will help you develop and deepen your mindfulness practice to help clarify and manifest your deepest intentions and goals to feel alive and fulfilled. By integrating these practices into your life, work and relationships, you'll be able to live more authentically with a greater sense of ease. 

Not sure where to begin? Send Michelle a message to get started.

"Michelle is a wonderful instructor. She is a wealth of knowledge and has a very engaging, warm and playful teaching style"

Mindfulness in Organizations

Trainings & Workshops

Michelle provides trainings and workshops that provide education, concrete skills and a supportive environment to increase employee well-being and productivity.

Topics of Interest:

  • Mindful Leadership
  • Passion, Purpose, and Resilience
  • Empathic Burn Out and Self-Care 
  • Mindful Communication
  • Relational Presence

Send Michelle a message to inquire.

3 Hour Guided Silent Retreat

Guided Retreat

This retreat offers an extended opportunity to strengthen and deepen the
practice of mindfulness and presence. It provides an intentional time of reflection
and renewal.

Components of the retreat include:

  • An intentional time of silence; stepping away from the busyness of day to day life.
  • Guided sitting, walking and eating meditation
  • Journaling/Self-Reflective exercises
  • Teachings on Mindfulness and Meditation

Retreat Details: 

Date: TBA

Cost: $45

Class Schedule: 9am – noon 

Location: Gilda's Club Twin Cities

Address: 10560 Wayzata Blvd Minnetonka, MN 55305

Previously Taught:

Deepening Your Mindfulness Practice 

Continuing the Practice: 6 Class Series

Previous experience with Mindfulness/Meditation Encouraged

This class provides an opportunity to further understand and develop the practice
of presence and mindfulness. We will delve deeper into the practice
of mindfulness and application to daily life.

Therapy Services Provided




Supervision and Consultation

"Tell me, what is it you plan to do with your one wild and precious life"

– Mary Oliver